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Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you find what is discussed here educational and entertaining. If you take away one thing from this blog that expands your knowledge or at least brightens your day, then I have done my job. I am always open to discuss just about any topic, even if I don't have the slightest clue about it. In that case, I will do my research and let you know. I will forever be grateful for my experiences in life and my capacity to share them with others.

Dr. Mauldin

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"Fair to Middlin" & Coconut Water (not related)

Well, here I go again with my southern talk again.  I remember when I asked Dr. Rondeau if she had heard the expression "fair to middlin'' before?  She kind of looked at me with this confused look and thought I was saying "midland" not "middlin'".  Of course, I laughed, because I knew she had no idea what I was referring to, but I just smiled at some the inside talk that only we southerners know.  So, how did it come up that I wanted to ask her?  Well, from time to time, a patient will come in and I will ask how they are doing.  They will sometimes reply, "fair to middlin".  I immediately know what this means, which really translates to "I can't complain" or "It's about the same".  It doesn't mean they are in a lot of pain and they can live with it or they are just used to it by now.  The comment just really relates the colorful language that we have here and almost adds some playfulness to life and to not take things so seriously.  I guess if you are in pain, you have to find some way to deal with it mentally so that it doesn't get the best of you.  Even when the pain goes away, the saying is still stuck in our thoughts and language, so it is really just a figure of speech to keep the conversation light.

On a more technical note, because you came here to learn something, I suppose. 
Did you know that coconut water is a great source of 5 types of electrolytes (Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, and Sodium) that fuel the body and help with all of these areas/problems in the body?:
       * Can lower blood pressure in 71% of people who drink it regularly
       * Has low sugar content, so it is suitable for even diabetics
       * Healthy Skin
       * Weight Loss & Fat Loss because of the fiber in it that slows sugar absorption
       * Kidney/Bladder stones for those who drink it daily
       * Anti-viral, Anti-fungal, & Anti-bacterial
       * Can substitute baby's milk because of lauric acid in it that is naturally in baby's milk
       * Aids treating intestinal worms for infants
       * Helps Acid Reflux
       * Aids digestion
       * Increases blood circulation
       * Boosts immune system
We all need to incorporate this into our daily diet and get on the bandwagon of what many island countries and south americans have been doing for ages. 


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